House Wife

July 8, 2014

Q. How many worn-out housewives does it take to change a light bulb? A. one – ONE! That’s right you guessed it, it’s me! Why ME?!

Do you think I have nothing better to do with my time?! DO YOU THINK A HOUSE GETS CLEANED BY ITSELF???!!

Is it my job to change the light bulb too?! I feel like I’m constantly running after everyone cleaning up their mess!

HAVE YOU SEEN ME SIT DOWN ONCE THE WHOLE DAY?! And if anyone else in the family ever agrees to put in the light bulb, they complain the whole way through like I am squeezing there neck.

It would just be easier for me to just do it myself. Being a housewife is the most under appreciated job in the world!

I SHOULD STOP CLEANING for a WEEK and then you’ll all appreciate all that I DO!

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Category: Family Jokes